Privacy Policy

By entering this website, the visitor consents to the terms of this policy. By submitting his/her Information to Setco, the visitor will be treated as having given his/her permission for processing the same in a manner provided in this policy.

Thank you for visiting our corporate website at (“We”/ “Setco” refers to Setco Automotive Limited, including its subsidiaries and affiliates (also referred to as “us”, or “our”). Throughout this policy whenever we have said “you”, “your”, “his” or “her” this means all visitors who accesses our Website.

This Privacy policy sets out the way in which we collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store your personal data when you use our website. This Privacy Policy shall be referred and read as an integral part of the Terms of Use of our Website.

Personal Data Protection Policy

Setco Automotive Limited, (hereafter referred to as “Setco”) strive to protect, manage, and appropriately handle the important personal data provided by our customer in accordance with the applicable law of India.

1. Obtainment of Personal Data

When Setco obtains personal data from the customer, it announces or specifies, in advance, the purpose for which the personal data is used and confirms whether the customer offers the personal data based on his or her own will.

2. Use of Personal Data

Setco handles personal data within the scope of the stated purpose of use. When Setco uses the data for purposes other than the stated purpose, it is sure to ask for the customer’s consent.

3. Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties

Setco may disclose the customer’s personal data to third parties during the normal course of business. However, Setco may not disclose the information without the customer’s consent except for in the following cases:

  • When complying with laws and regulations
  • When the personal data is used among the Setco companies within the scope of the stated purpose
  • When the customer has given a prior consent to the disclosure
  • When disclosure is necessary for the protection of human life, human health, or property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer
  • When it is necessary to cooperate with national agencies, local public authorities, or third parties commissioned by these organizations in performing the duties stipulated by laws and regulations and obtaining the consent of the customer may affect the performance of the duties in question.

4. Commission of Personal Data

When Setco commissions third parties to handle the personal data of the customer to supervise them so that the data is managed safely and securely.

5. Setco’s Personal Data-related System and its Revision

Setco strives to revise and improve the system with which it handles personal data in order to prevent unauthorized disclosure, alteration, loss, or destruction of the data or unauthorized access to the data.

6. Cookies

A small file placed on your device by our Website when you either visit or use certain features of our Website. A cookie generally allows a Website/platform to remember your actions or preference for a certain period of time.

You can prevent the storage of cookies by choosing a “disable cookies” option in your browser settings. But this can limit the functionality of our Website and its services.

7. Cross Border Data Transfer/Sharing

Personal Information we hold about you may be transferred to other countries outside your residential country for any of the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

You understand and accept that these countries may have differing (and potentially less stringent) laws relating to the degree of confidentiality afforded to the information it holds and that such information can become subject to the laws and disclosure requirements of such countries, including disclosure to governmental bodies, regulatory agencies, and private persons, as a result of applicable governmental or regulatory inquiry, court order or other similar process. In addition, a number of countries have agreements with other countries providing for exchange of information for law enforcement, tax, and other purposes.

If we transfer your Personal Information to third parties for purposes stated in this Privacy Policy, we will use best endeavors to put in place appropriate controls and safeguards to ensure that your Personal Information is kept accurate, adequately protected, and processed only for specified and reasonable purposes in a manner that is fair, transparent, and has a lawful basis, and is stored for no longer than is absolutely necessary.

8. Contact Information

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this policy, please contact us at